Bunduff Lake

Bunduff River Walk

Walk Category: Lakeside Walk
Walk Grade: Easy
Walking Terrain: Lakeshore Track, Country Road
Waymarking: None
Trailhead: Roadside Parking

Length: 4km
Ascent: <10m
Time: 1hr
Suggested Gear: Sturdy Shoes
Longitude: 54.449070
Latitude: -8.446625

Directions to Trailhead

Take the N15 signposted Donegal north to Cliffoney village, approximately 1.5km after the village take a left turn at Creevykeel crossroads (beside a pub), take the first or second turn to the right and arrive at the lakeshore.

The Trail Map:- OSI Map Series 16

Bunduff Lake is a small coastal lake in close proximity to the sea. Given its strategic location it is of great significance for the bird life which abounds and is designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) for birdlife.

The Route
The Bunduff Loop follows the network of minor county roads around Bunfuff Lough. The route is not waymarked but is easy to follow by keeping the lake on your left as you circle it. The route rewards the walker with stunning views of Benbulben, Benwiskin, Classiebawn Castle and Donegal Bay.

Did you know?
The habitat around Bunduff Lough is salt water marshland which attracts a variety of birds including whooper swans which arrive here in October from Iceland. Mallard and teal are found here in the Winter months and occasionally shovelled, scaup and tufted duck can be seen.

  • Plan ahead and Prepare
  • Dispose of waste properly
  • Leave what you find
  • Respect wildlife and farm stock
  • Be considerate of others
  • Minimise the effects of fire

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