Sruth in Aghaidh An Aird – The Devil’s Chimney

Walk Category: Upland Walk
Walk Grade: Strenuous
Walking Terrain: Mountain Trail
Waymarking: Green Arrows
Trailhead: Roadside parking
Dogs: Allowed on lead

Length: 2.5km
Ascent: 130m
Time: 1hrs
Suggested Gear: Sturdy walking shoes, fluids, snacks and mobile phone
Longitude: 54.41330
Latitude: -8.393146

Directions to the Trailhead

From Sligo town, take the N16 Enniskillen Road for approx 8km. Turn left (sign-posted Glencar Lake and waterfall). Drive for approx 3.2km, the trail car-park is located on the left.

The Trail Map:- OSI Map Series 16

The Waterfall

Sruth in Aghaidh an Aird roughly translates as Stream Against the Height. It flows from the peaty summit of the Dartry Mountains overlooking Glencar Lake.
Sruth in Aghaidh an Aird is listed on the World Waterfall Database as Ireland’s tallest waterfall. With a vertical drop of 150m (492 ft), it is especially spectacular after periods of rainfall. When the wind blows across Glencar Valley, this can give the impression that the waterfall is flowing upwards. Note that the waterfall generally doesn’t flow during prolonged periods of dry weather.

The Route

This is a looped upland trail of 2.5km in distance. Upon leaving the car park, enter the walk through the kissing gate and follow the path. Walking through an area of woodland populated with native Irish trees, the ground gradually rises by a total of 130m. The recommended route is counter-clockwise and as you approach the high point of the walk, a kissing gate to your right brings you to a viewing point that is almost directly beneath the waterfall itself. Continue along this path to reconnect with the main path before beginning your descent.

Alternative viewing points are located at the high points of the main path. These provide seated areas that give spectacular views both of the waterfall and also back towards Glencar Lake and the opposite side of the valley. Steps have been installed to help the walker navigate the steeper parts of the trail, and care should be taken particularly after rainfall as they can become slippery.

Dogs must be kept under control at all times due to the presence on these lands of sheep, lambs, donkeys, ducks, hens and cats. Please keep your dog on a lead and clean up after your dog. The trail will be closed for one day annually on the 24th December.

Geology & Landscape
Throughout Ireland the iconic landscape of Benbulben and the Dartry Mountain plateau is so well known that in many people’s minds it symbolises County Sligo. The magnificent rock edifice rises abruptly some 526m from sea level and is largely composed of Carboniferous limestone, the layers of which can be seen on the cliff face. The limestone rock was carved by glaciers coming west down Glencar and around from the north-east, cutting the face of Benwisken on the way. Glencar is a magnificent example of a glacial U-shaped valley with a ribbon lake situated within.
Since the glaciers cut the vertical faces out of the limestone rock, the processes of erosion have taken their toll and the stone has gradually fallen away to create the characteristic limestone talus or scree slopes at the base of the cliffs which are visible from the elevated portions of the trail.

Flora and Fauna
Glencar valley supports a wide variety of plants and animals. Both the lands above the trail and the lake are designated as a Special Area of Conservation due to their own rich ecological value. Species range from Otter to Peregrine Falcon. Of particular interest are the yew trees which grow high on the steep slopes below the cliff face. Due to their inaccessible location and slow growing nature, these trees are believed to be some of the oldest growing on the island of Ireland, some of which may be as old as 1000 years.

The video below shows the forces of the strong wind competing against the flow of the water causing the waterfall to be blown upwards.

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10 responses to “Sruth in Aghaidh An Aird – The Devil’s Chimney”

  1. Maura

    Really was lucky the day myself and friend done the walk. Sun shone. I had inappropriate shoes on (my mistake)it’s beautiful.

    1. Micheal O Domhnaill

      Thanks, it is a beautiful walk.

  2. Denis Murphy

    Lovely path. One thing I’d say is, if the river is dry, it’s not clear when you have come to the end, as the path ends near the cliff face where there is no waterfall if the river is dry (which is often). I started wandering up the rocks as there is a rough trail there, but it can be slippy and dangerous. Stay at the viewing area! Lovely short trail through the woods. Luckily the wind was from the south and the stream was blowing skywards.

  3. Jane Alexander

    Any buses go near this area?

  4. Peter Brooks

    The area where the walk is situated looks incredible any time of the year, and it looks absolutely stunning when there is some sunhine and blue skies. I’ve had the pleasure of growing up around this location and visiting the waterfall always feels refreshing and calming. My only question is, when and why was the name ‘The Devils chimney added? In the fifty three years I’ve lived close to it, I’ve never heard it called that name until recently. ‘Tourism’ perhaps? Personally I feel it’s a ridiculous gimicky name and needs to be removed as to allow our Irish heritage to survive as so much has gone and Ireland is being homoginised into a tourist destination based on food and drink and scenery. Glencar valley has so much history, we dont need to change names of things to make it attractive, just highlight what’s really there.

  5. Helena O Donoghue

    Was an absolutely fabulous climb Just take it easy and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of nature and fresh air .one more tick off my bucket list ?? And plenty more to do where’s next? Please tell ?

  6. John ALLEN

    I have written about the ancient language in Ireland and UK prior to the arrival of the Celts this is a period many many thousands of years bc. The word Aird comes from a substrate of the Wolof language in Senegal and means ‘Protection’ . The Wolof word is ‘Aar’. We know what lies ahead if you walk into that river !

  7. Padraig Meehan

    Again Dilean is right. This is Sruth in Aghaidh an Aird. Devil’s Chimney was never the traditional name. The name and the labelling needs to be changed, it’s insulting. You need to be careful if you leave the path, and though the landowners do great work to maintain the place, please don’t litter. Stunning views and a powerful site.

  8. Conall O Fiannachta

    I agree with Dilean’s comment above about the “Devils Chimney” being inaccurate. Sruth in Agaidh An Ard is the correct name. Much more authentic and Irish 🙂

  9. Dilean MacSearraigh

    “The Devils Chimney” is inaccurate. This is not a name for this feature, and never has been until an erroneous Tripadvisor entry.

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